Your news channel and
exchange of experiences.
May 2024
Get ready for a revolutionary experience that will redefine the education frontiers, on June 5th and 6th in Brasília.

And there's more!

In addition to exploring the frontiers of knowledge, you'll also have the opportunity to revivify a nostalgic night of Brazilian rock greatest hits, in the voice of Paulo Ricardo!

Don't waste another minute, Check out the complete schedule:
Annual Meeting 2024
It's coming!
The AZ Learning Platform brought an AI immersive experience to the Bett Brasil, exclusively made for the event and focused on bilingual education.

Using virtual reality glasses, the event participants were able to get in a journey around the world without leaving the Expo Center North pavilion.

During the event, the AZ's stand hosted several relevant, open, free lectures given by some great education professionals such as Ricardo Amorim, Peter Vesterbacka, Gabriel Chalita, Tais and Roberta Bento.

Among them, Maria Helena Guimarães — sociologist and National Education Council former president — and Sandro Bonás — Conexia Education's CEO — talked about ways to innovate in student assessment using new technologies.

"Some studies have shown that immersion is a successful way to enhance learning. We already make our products to be able to offer an experience capable of creating socio-emotional connections on our students and, consequently, stimulate, for instance, a second language learning. What we brought to Bett was a novelty because it combined immersion with the generative model and the generation of hyper-personalized content", explained Sandro Bonás, Conexia Education's CEO.
AZ Learning Platform promoted an immersive experience with Generative AI at Bett Brasil
On the contemporary education journey, gamification is a concept that is getting more and more relevant. But, do you know what exactly is gamification and how it can revolutionize the teaching-learning process?

Imagine if learning mathematics wasn't just about solving difficult equations and instead, it was about getting in an epic quest to save the fractions kingdom. This enchantment is the key!

In simple terms, gamification can be defined as the use of games elements and mechanics on non-game contexts, such as the classroom.

It's about turning the learning process into an engaging, motivating and fun experience.

We've selected 7 practical tips for developing gamification in the educational environment:

1. Know your players
Like in a game, it's essential to know your audience. Understand the interests, skills and needs of your students to create experiences that captivate them.

2. Set clear objectives
Just like in any game, players need clear objectives to achieve. Define specific and challenging yet achievable

3.learning goals
Develop a captivating storyline: Create an engaging narrative that guides students through the content. Turn abstract concepts into thrilling adventures, where each activity is a phase in the journey.

4. Incorporate game elements
Use rewards, scores, rankings and challenges to motivate students. Turn everyday tasks into exciting missions, where each achievement is celebrated. A good approach may be to use references from real and current games that the current generation already enjoys and is interested on.

5. Promote collaboration and healthy competition
Games often involve teamwork and friendly competition. Encourage collaboration among students while maintain an inclusive and respectful learning environment.

6. Provide constant feedback
Just like in a game, students need constant feedback to improve. Provide regular and constructive assessments, highlighting both achievements and areas for development.

7. Experiment and learn
Gamification is a experimentation and continuous learning journey. Don't be afraid to try out new ideas and adjust as necessary based on student feedback.

By bringing gamification to the classroom, we're not only making learning more fun and engaging but also developing essential skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, and problem-solving.

The game is just beginning, and the education world is ready to be transformed! Let's play?

Unveiling the Magic of Gamification in Education: Turning Learning into Fun
At High Five, academic excellence is a priority. Oxford University Press has developed a meticulous and comprehensive Placement Test that assesses English language comprehension, vocabulary, and grammar according to the expected skills for each level as outlined by the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) document.

The test application ends on May 31st.

What are the characteristics of the Placement Test?

  • No prior preparation is needed to take the test;

  • The Placement Test is aligned with the proficiency levels proposed by the CEFR;

  • It employs adaptive intelligence, adjusting questions based on the correctness of previous answers;

  • Divided into two parts: Listening and Use of English;

  • Provides a report developed by Oxford indicating the levels achieved.

Based on the results of the Placement Test, an Oxford University Press course, the Online Skills Program, will be made available.

By trusting in the Oxford University Press Placement Test, High Five students can be assured that they are taking the first step towards academic success.

We are committed to providing the necessary tools for each student to achieve their educational goals and reach new heights of excellence.
Oxford University Press Placement Test: The Key to Academic Success at High Five
Erika Lino, Director of Customer Success, and Anderson Brugnera, Director of People and Management, are recording a podcast about People Management within schools.

The episode will be available in June on Conexia Education's YouTube channel and Spotify. Stay tuned!

Also, check out our other podcasts:
Online Networking
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